Responsible driving is not just a concern of drivers; everyone has a stake in keeping the road safe. With a safer road, used and respected by professional drivers, accidents and expensive repairs can be avoided, and everyone can return back to their families and friends safe and secured. Unfortunately, not everyone takes the initiative to practice responsible driving, and usually drives as if they own the road. Help promote a safer road for everyone by becoming a safe and responsible driver.

Responsible driving is anchored on three things- knowledge, attitude and skills. For a start, it pays to know and understand the traffic rules and regulations. Based on statistics, breaking the traffic rules and regulations is the common cause of collisions. Knowing and following traffic rules is also convenient and cost-effective. If you fail to follow these rules, the license can be confiscated, you will be fined or worse, you may spend a few days in jail!

Having the right attitude on and off the road can also help in promoting a responsible driving experience. Be courteous, and respect other drivers and pedestrians on the road. Courteous driving also means providing other drivers with space, and the opportunity to change lanes.

Finally, it’s also about having the right driving skills. A responsible driver is someone who can foresee dangerous road situations, and immediately respond to prevent a possible accident.

Becoming a responsible driver may require commitment and hard work, but when all these are considered and followed, you’ll end up creating a safer road for everyone.

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